Today, the popularity of Kubernetes has skyrocketed because of its amazing architectural features. This container deployment solution is becoming increasingly popular among IT professionals, partly due to its high level of security and ease of use. So, understanding this tool’s architecture makes it easier when you want to deploy it. Join an online kubernetes training course that helps you learn Kubernetes and get job opportunities.

Kubernetes is a flexible container management system that allows you to control containerized applications in various environments. To learn more about its architecture, continue reading this article.

Components of Kubernetes architecture:

Cluster: It is a collection of servers that pool their resources. It comprises the disk, CPU, RAM, and devices.

Master: The group of components that comprise the Kubernetes control panel is called the Master. This includes both cluster events and scheduling.

Node: A single host that can function as a virtual machine is called a node. It runs the cluster’s components, Kube-proxy and Kubelet.

You can learn Kubernetes from scratch and advance in your career if you complete online courses.

The Need for Containers:

Developers deploy containers to ensure minimal internet downtime and to update and maintain the structure of apps without affecting other services.

Containers working in separate contexts simplify building and deploying programs for developers.

Hardware Components:


On Kubernetes, a worker machine is called a node. Depending on the cluster, it might be a virtual or physical machine. Every node has all the parts needed to run the Kubernetes cluster, and the Master is responsible for maintaining the code.


Kubernetes uses clusters that consist of Master and Slave Nodes. Kubernetes’ basic building blocks are called clusters; an environment can have multiple clusters.

Persistent Volumes:

In Kubernetes, persistent volumes are volumes provided by an administrator and distributed dynamically or manually. These volumes function as temporary data storage since they have particular qualities, such as file systems and sizes, and they stay on a pod even after being deleted.

Software Components:


Containers are employed everywhere because they provide contexts where apps can run independently online. One container can have more than one program added, so ensure there is only one process per container.


Kubernetes Pods are collections of containers installed on the same host and sharing resources like networking and storage. Together, they function at a level above that of individual containers to support a solitary process.


In Kubernetes, a deployment consists of several identical Pods executing numerous copies of an application. It does away with the necessity for manual pod management and guarantees fault tolerance by swapping out unsuccessful instances.


In Kubernetes, ingress is defined by the routing rules controlling how external services connect to inside services. Name-based virtual hosting, SSL termination, and load balancing are available.

Join online Kubernetes courses and learn Kubernetes to gain a competitive edge in interviews.

Kubernetes architecture in-depth:

Kubernetes Master Node:

All administrative duties in the Kubernetes architecture originate from the Master Node. The components or elements that make Kubernetes Master are:

ETCD: Maintains port-forwarding operations, network rules, and configuration information.

Controller Manager: A daemon that runs important controllers, gathers statistics and modifies clusters to the desired condition.

Scheduler: Distributes work among Slave Nodes to monitor resource consumption.

API Server: Serves as the hub for cluster operations, receives REST requests for changes, and manages the entire cluster.

Kubectl: The Kubernetes cluster management is managed by Kubectl.

Kubernetes Slave Node:

With elements like these, the Slave Node balances out the Master.

Pod: A pod encapsulates one or more containers, storage resources, and network configurations managed as a single application.

Docker: This essential tool is used to run programs in isolated environments. It pulls containers from Docker images and launches them.

Kubelet: It conveys data to and from the control plane service to guarantee effective container operation.

Kubernetes Proxy: Serving as a network proxy and a load balancer, it oversees services on a solitary worker node.

Final thoughts

This overview of Kubernetes architecture will help you understand it in-depth. To gain job-ready skills in Kubernetes, join an online kubernetes training course.

By John

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