Introduction to Selenium Navigation CommandsIntroduction to Selenium Navigation Commands

Selenium is an overarching open-source project focusing on web application software testing. Without a test scripting language, it offers a playback tool for creating tests across web browsers. One of the most crucial components when evaluating web-based apps is navigation. Selenium’s browser navigation commands navigate between web pages while testing. It offers a selection of navigation commands that let testers manage the web browser’s surfing habits while running a test. Testers can automate web navigation and replicate user interactions with websites using navigation commands. In this post, you will learn about the introduction to navigation commands available in Selenium:

Browser Navigation Commands 

Get () command 

The get () command opens a new browser tab with a new web page. The URL is loaded in the current browser window using this method, which accepts a URL as input. The required packages and classes can be imported, the executable path for chrome driver can be defined, a new chrome driver instance can be created, and the get () method can be used to access the Google home page. Finally, use the quit () function to close the browser window and finish the WebDriver session.

Back () command 

The back () key navigates to the last web page visited in the browser’s history. This technique replicates the browser’s back button click. Use the navigate back () method to return to the Google homepage. To obtain Selenium Automation certificationchoose the best online platform to learn the Selenium course.

Forward () command 

The forward () method does not accept or produce any output. The forward () command advances the browser history to the following web page. This technique imitates pressing the browser’s forward button.

To () method 

The To () method accepts a String parameter but produces no output. The website’s URL now opens in the current browser window and can be navigated using this method. It will simply navigate to the website instead of waiting for the entire page to load. Choose the right online platform if you need a free Selenium certification course.

Refresh () method 

The current web page can be refreshed using the refresh () command. This technique imitates the browser’s refresh button click. It accomplishes the same task as hitting F5 in a browser.

Using Navigation Commands in Automated Web Testing

Navigation instructions can be employed for imitating user actions like clicking links, going back and forth, and refreshing the page. Here are some examples of how navigation commands are used in automated web testing:

Navigating to a login page

It is typical practice in automated web testing to begin the test by going to the online application’s login page. The login page can be reached using the get (String url) or navigate () to (String url) commands.

Clicking links and navigating to different pages

Automated web testing frequently entails visiting various pages and clicking links to access various web application areas. To travel to a specific page, use the navigate()to(String url) command. To navigate back and forth between pages, use the navigate() Back() and navigate().forward() commands.

Refreshing the page

Automated web testing commonly refreshes the website after performing a specific operation to ensure the changes have been recorded. The navigate()refresh() command can update the page.

Handling page redirects

Page redirects are a technique some web applications use to send users to various application pages or sections. To guarantee that the test continues to run properly during automated web testing, it is crucial to handle page redirects.

Handling pop-ups and alerts

Pop-ups and alerts are frequently used by web applications to display notifications and request user confirmation for actions. To guarantee that an automated web test runs well, managing these pop-ups and alerts is crucial.

Navigating between frames

Multiple frames are frequently present on online pages, and automated web testing may call for switching between them to interact with the components.

Summing it up

Hopefully, you will learn about the introduction to navigation commands available in Selenium. A practical solution for automating web tests is Selenium WebDriver. During test execution, Selenium WebDriver’s navigation instructions are used to regulate the browser’s navigational behavior.  

By John

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